Headin’ back to Palestine June 3

Dear friends,

I’m rather slow in making this appeal for any help you’d like to forward to Project Peace for our trip once again to palestine from June 3-13, 2019.  The situation is not getting any better so there is EVERY reason to keep advocating for the Palestinians whose HOPE forward is getting shakier.  Still Project Peace shall not give up…We will continue to take delegations and help people SEE the situation as it is with the settlements, e.g. occupying more and more of the traditional lands of the Palestinians.

This year we will have the special occasion to meet with Tamimi the young Palestinian who braved the situation with an Israeli soldier–pushing him when he was trying to take her brother away.  She served  months in prison for her brave stance.  Now she has wisdom to share and we’re hoping we can absorb some of that bravery in her.

We shall of course visit many friends–who continue no matter WHAT IS HAPPENING to speak their minds, to build infrastructures of resistance like schools for the girls, etc.

Won’t you join us in spirit?  If you are able, donations made to Project Peace would be very much appreciated.  The address is:  sr. Paulette, 200 St. Francis AVe. Tiffin, OH 44883

Blessings in every way to you.  If you want to communicate with me while I’m in Palestine, I’d be happy to do so.


sr. Paulette

One thought on “Headin’ back to Palestine June 3

  1. Linda Scheckelhoff April 24, 2019 / 12:43 pm

    Hi Paulette. Thanks much for your continued courage and hopeful outlook on leading the delegation to Palestine in June 3-13. Be assured that my prayers accompany you as you make this journey and strive to bring to awareness the struggles and injustices experienced by the Palestinian peoples, especially at this critical time. Love and prayers, Linda

    n Wed, Apr

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