Project Peace December Newsletter

We invite you to read our December newsletter at the following link:

Project Peace Newsletter Dec. 2014

john dear book picture

Project Peace will study John Dear’s book The Nonviolent Life during Advent.  There will be both a morning and evening group, meeting on Mondays.  For details, please call Sr. Paulette at 419-447-1435, Ext. 136.

not a word about incitement against the Palestinians…..

senator kerry

Senator Kerry spoke out about the Palestinian attack against the Jewish worshippers in Jerusalem’s synagogue on Nov. 17.  He called it “pure terror” and yet said nothing about the incitement of the Israeli Military on the Palestinians just prior to this attack:

There’s been plenty of Israeli incitement in recent days, and two Palestinian children were lately blinded by rubber bullets, and on Sunday night a Palestinian bus driver was found hanged, and Palestinians all over East Jerusalem are subject to unrelenting occupation and persecution.

But for American officials, the terror killings of four Jewish men in a West Jerusalem synagogue today are the one and only story. “Pure terror,” as our secretary of state puts it. President Obama condemned the killings with not a word about the Palestinian experience:

We know that two attackers senselessly and brutally attacked innocent worshippers in a synagogue during their morning prayers. Obviously, we condemn in the strongest terms these attacks.A number of people were wounded, and four people were killed, including three American citizens.So this is a tragedy for both nations, Israel as well as the United States.And our hearts go out to the families who obviously are undergoing enormous grief right now.

– See more at:

John Dear’s book: A Perfect Preparation to Promote Peace at this Christmas Time

The time is getting closer….there are now three more people for the 10:30 session and 3 people besides myself for the 6:00 session. Please consider coming

Project Peace

john dear book pictureExplore together the questions:   When did you begin to move out of the culture of violence and war into the new life of nonviolence and peace?  Where are you on the road to peace, as we turn around from the path of violence and war onto the way of peace and nonviolence?  How can you become more and more nonviolent?  The group will meet on the Mondays of December 10:00 am and 6:30 pm in the Convent basement dining room.  Books are available for $12.00 from sr. Paulette 419.447.0435 ext. 136.  Please consider this your personal preparation for the Prince of Peace’s celebration among us.

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new delegation being formed for May 4-15—-to Palestine!!!!

BethlehemHello everyone!
Yes, it’s time to begin recruiting again for anyone who may want to go on the Palestine delegation of 11 days including going and coming. It will happen May 4-15 of 2015. This is an effort of Project Peace and friends.
Folks will experience the following:
Delegation Highlights
Meet with leaders of the nonviolent resistance at Bi’lin
Learn about the Israeli Occupation from both sides of the Wall
Meet with the Rabbis for Peace and a representative from the Knesset
Stay at the Tent of Nations, Bethlehem, to witness settlements…Palestinian Christian family
Meet with leaders from Christian, Muslim, and Jewish faiths
Work with Christian Peacemaker Teams in Hebron
Possibility of visit to Gaza
Visit the Baka Valley to understand the importance of water to the region
Other things to know
Price of delegation is $2800 and includes flight from Ohio, room & board, and transportation on the ground.
If interested or have questions, please contact Sister Paulette Schroeder at 419-447-0435 ext.136 or or
Matt Bereza, Ph.D. at 419-448-3371 or