June 2016



It’s always been a month of revelry, of imaginative wanderings through woods, along clear river streams, from the tops of green green  trees.  June does have a magical even romantic airy quality about it.  There is no better time to finish something and begin something new.  And, now that school classes have ended, we have some new things happening with Project Peace.

¨ We’re getting ready for Seneca County Fair booths.  Hey!  We’re going to have to insist that you come by our booth this summer in the Old Merchant Bldg.  Our theme will be “Steps to Peace.”  Just follow the footprints and you’ll find us as you enter the Old Merchant Bldg.  We’re working on it…..Hopefully we’ll have something interesting for everyone to enjoy and learn from. Also get tattooed with a peace sign, and try to win a unique sculpture!  Come!  SEE!  Appreciate!

¨ Our intern Scott Williams is jumping in. He’s savy with social media and is giving our blog a new look, updating our information, putting our newsletters on line and teaching me how to do all these functions—he’s CLEAR and makes it all simple for me.


From the Pen of Mazin Qumsiyeh, Professor and Director  of the Palestine Museum of Natural History

We need to pause and think when NASA tells us that 2016 will be the hottest year yet (climate change) but the conversation on mainstream and social media is about Kim Kardashian or about a dog that tested positive for illegal drugs!                                                  We need to pause and think when the US  dropped 23,000 bombs on people in our part of the world but …How can we really start to discuss the real problems and the remedies that will save humanity and our planet from the impending global catastrophe (a nakba)? Perhaps we should just start.

May I suggest that we take one evening every week where we gather in small groups around to deal with serious matters that challenge us. Maybe we can reflect on some important writing (like a book on climate change or on sustainability) or think of an approach to redirect resources from conflicts to sustainable coexistence of people and nature (altering our behavior). There are many other things we can discuss with an idea not of a choice between Trump and Clinton but of what OUR RESPONSIBILITIES are (what can I do). Please direct a comment to me if this makes sense.  pauletteosf@hotmail.com

Quotes from the Students in TMS Peace ClubPicture8

“…everyone deserves to live in peace and harmony, not war and destruction.  Leah   Crocker
“…I want to stop bullying…I don’t look like everyone else and that’s not bad…You should be proud of who you are.  Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to other people.”  Chloe Hoover

“…Why not be the person you are on the inside and not on the outside?…You shouldn’t be labeled…you should be getting complimented not getting made fun of…Today is your day to let it out, to get rid of all bullying…We the Peace Club want all this stuff to stop.  We are here for you.”  Kiki  Healy



Blog (web site):  http://www.projectpeacetiffin.com               http://www.facebook.com/projectpeacetiffin

Please also consider making a donation to Project Peace for teaching materials, teaching kids in detention center, scholarships for Peace   Camp and for delegation of college age students to Palestine.        Thank you!  Sr. Paulette 419.447.0435 ext. 136