Palestinian Nahida Gordon to speak

Nahida Halaby Gordon from Wooster will be Tiffin Area Pax Christi’s speaker Thursday, October 5 at St. Francis Spirituality Center at 7 p.m. Gordon, a Palestinian Arab Christian, was born in Jerusalem in 1939 and grew up in Jaffa.  In 1948 her family became refugees overnight and joined 750,000 other Palestinian refugees in scattering throughout the world.  Soon Gordon came to the United States and had a successful career at an American university, but she never forgot about her homeland.

In 2016, she wrote Palestine Is Our Home: Voices of Loss, Courage and Steadfastness. Palestinians asked her to tell their stories about their suffering and the injustices under which they live. Gordon gathered 22 eyewitnesses and will share a few stories from Palestine. Copies of her book will be available for sale and autograph.


This special event will be at the Tiffin Franciscans Spirituality Center, 200 St. Francis Avenue, Tiffin, at 7 p.m.  Refreshments will be served.  The public is invited.  Reservations are not necessary.

Nahida Gordon

Contact Jo Hollingsworth for more info:  419.306.0658

Senator McCain—magnificent clip

John McCain showed his magnificent  ability to not only deal with his brain cancer diagnosis but shows his attitudes of gratitude and joy in living such a fulfilling life.

I just loved the segment.

60 minutes also featured what 14 people said about their allegiance or non-allegiance  to Trump.

sr. Paulette



Service Tonight—Wed. Vigil of Intern.Peace Day by 9/11 Memorial, Tiffin.

cropped-footprints.jpgTonight, Wed. 7:00 PM We will have a short ritual vigil service trying to give hope and greater clarity —how do we reach out in these tough times with our world?  In light of the Mexico earthquake, Irma, Harvey and now Maria, what can we each do to be engaged and a “part of the solution” towards greater peace in our country, in our city, in our family, etc.

Please just come and if you wish to have a sign, I’ll have an ipad and will put it on facebook afterwards.  Thank you for your love and care.

sr. Paulette