December 2017




Project Peace…

Imagining a World without War


                                                                      BECOMING QUIET, REFLECTIVE

This season with its shimmering snowfalls, with darkness during more hours of the days, with news that shocks us over and over throughout our whole being, begs solitude, reflection, quiet moments “stolen” from our otherwise busy days. What a good time to list the good gifts shared during 2016, to reflect on the tough things that crossed our paths and on the people who stood by us so faithfully.

What a good time, too, to ask the qustion: How can I personally further God’s kingdom of love and justice during 2017? What am I seeing that is very possible for me to take on in this struggle to further God’s dream for our world? Find your spot. Give thought and prayer a heavier weight this holy season. Together, our lives can become very strong.

Would you like to be a supporter of Project Peace:? Pray that we learn the way of nonviolence, spread this newsletter or promote events, donate to Project Peace before the end of the year.—tax deductible: Sisters of St. Francis, Tiffin. (subject line: “Project Peace”)
                                   December 2017


        Project Peace…Imagining a World without War
Dear family, friends, supporters (In every way) of Project Peace,

The deepest peace of soul and mind be yours during this holy season upon us! Admittedly, it is so difficult to embrace the world as it is— like Jesus did when he joined us fully, totally human—during a time of Roman Occupation in Palestine. This season, it seems, is a time to reflect and quietly celebrate our humanity, a huge gift given to help us live life abundantly, joyfully, in solidarity with all humanity throughout our glorious but hurting world. Chilly and snowy, icy weather urges us to pace ourselves more slowly. Is it possible that we open our hearts widely to everyone like the Prince of Peace urges us to? Let the winter of 2017 be marked by special efforts to: act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God of LOVE.

                             Will these Calvert Catholic 7th. Graders Have a Future of nonviolence?

Sr. Nazik Matty from Iraq asked, “Which of the wars we have been in is a just war? In my country, there was no just war. War is the mother of ignorance, isolation and poverty. Please tell the world there is no such thing as a just war.”

“I want to suggest that a just peace ethic, consistent with active nonviolence, is a better way for the Catholic Church to engage in dialogue with others about conflict and war….A just peace approach offers a vision of human flourishing with a corresponding ethic to guide our actions…human dignity and thriving relationships…. A just peace approach has many advantages to just war approaches….less risk of abuse and it better helps us to imagine, and commit to nonviolent practices, while cultivating just peace consistently throughout all stages of conflict….”       Eli McCarthy

These seventh graders are participating in the Transformation of Tiffin into a Peacemaking Town….watch for their projects displayed in store windows, etc. This effort will be town-wide throughout the coming months. Since we can’t count on greater peace happening from the top government ranks, let’s work grassroots with patience, diligence, full participation.                

Nonviolence Cities Campaign

Slowly, slowly Tiffin is taking on the challenge of becoming a peacemaking community. At the city council on November 20, sr. Paulette handed out a file to each member of the Council with explanations of the project. There was a commendation made by Dawn Iannantuono and hopefully there will be follow-up led by Jim Roberts in his committee. The Art Expressions Project is now going forward in two schools.

Good News toward a Nonviolent Culture

We hear tragic news each day: the massacres, the shootings, the overdoses, etc. It’s time for a little

1.     9 bicycles were given to local men in    recovery. These had been stolen bikes

2.     Peace Poles will be set up at local schools with  a short ritual to explain the significance.

3.     Pope Francis has declared the death penalty now inadmissible— it is no longer allowed by  the official church.   It is a form of vengeance.

4.     In Puerto Rico, there is now a “well coordinated  relief system at Puerto Rico’s 500 parishes in all 6 dioceses. 90% of the people will have  their electric power normalized by Dec. 15!”



Dec. 10 is Human Rights Day; so Tiffin will be celebrating and advocating for everyone’s human dignity by taking a walk around town both as a FAITH WALK to honor the Prince of Peace and as a way to join together during this holy season to acknowledge the Truth that each of us has human dignity. This truth demands equality for all. Sunday, Dec. 10, 1:00   Tiffin courthouse.



Project Peace Advisory Board’s Comments

I’ve invited each of the Project Peace advisory board members to speak to each of us: Here are Fr. Steve Blum’s words:

“This Advent season we await the coming of the Prince of Peace—Jesus Christ. This ‘coming’ indicates Jesus’ historical coming in Christmas, the future coming of Jesus—the ‘Parousia’ and his present coming into our lives every day. Sometimes in our obsessive busyness and worry over holiday madness, we can miss the Lord’s coming, and therefore, do not feel his peace. Jesus, the Prince of Peace is always with us. He loves us with a tender, grace-filled heart that overcomes all obstacles and all evil. Look for his peace; pray for His peace; extend His peace to those around you. Remember, His peace always begins at home! “



   100 yrs. since the Nakba of the Palestinians

It is 100 yrs. since the British handed Palestine over to the Israelis in the Balfour Declaration.. The Jewish leadership did not obey the command of this declaration: to observe the rights of the Palestinians. The Mandate of 1917 actually prepared the way for the expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians from their homes. Now England cannot only apologize for allowing the Nakba to happen, but can also take a greater part in insuring justice toward the Palestinians today.