Drone warfare

ImageImage Slowly I am learning about the awful presence of drone warfare in our world.  The fortunate thing is that many peace groups are rising up in horror about this latest phenomenon to make war more acceptable to the ordinary citizen. Recently, Global Research News reported that only the U.S., UK and France voted against the UNHCR (U.N. agency helping refugees in urgent need) resolution to probe the legality of drone strikes.

Likewise, research drones will now begin to fly over North Dakota the week of May 5. Griffiss International Airport in Rome, NY, will also begin flight testing soon after.  Four other sites also exist to test:  Nevada, Texas A&M University’s Corpus Christi campus, Virginia Tech University, and the University of Alaska.  Each site will focus on different aspects of drone development in preparation for more widespread usage of drones.  This development needs citizen input.

Open our Eyes in Afghanistan –from Kathy Kelly’s newsletter

People for Peace & Justice Sandusky County

Kathy Kelly, who was PPJ’s fall speaker, sends out a newsletter periodically from her organization Voices for Creative Nonviolence.  The following excerpt from an article by Hakim (Afghan Peace Volunteers) caught my eye. –Josie

Open Our Eyes in Afghanistan by Hakim*

Even from kindergarten, my ‘inner’ eye was being blinded to alternative ways of learning other than a test-based approach. Unconsciously, I was motivated to believe, “This is education – reading and writing the English and Chinese alphabet well enough to be some ‘meritocratic’ top student.”

Many decades later, during a three-month peace workshop at Bamiyan University, the student participants identified illiteracy as one of the main reasons for the chronic wars in Afghanistan. My awareness had revolutionized, so I disagreed and offered, “The unlettered Afghan shepherd is usually enraptured by care for his sheep. He does not sit on councils to pen justifications for expending blood and money…

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Campaign Nonviolence youtube

Yeah!!!!!!  Watch this short clip from Campaign Nonviolence and connect with josiesetzler@gmail.com

or Paulette at pauletteosf@hotmail.com

You’ll love it.

Three actions in planning:

1.     At Tiffin Heritage Festival—2-booth-size Project Peace display, demonstration, involvement in front of the statues on the old Court Square

2.     A float in the Heritage Parade

3.     A Walk for Peace from Sept. 21 for 4 or 5 days

We need you to help us out on any of these actions…..419.447.0435 ext. 136

Paulette and Josie




The Excavations Beneath Jerusalem’s Redeemer Lutheran Church — PHOTOS

We shall visit this church on this delegation to Palestine, May 6-


This post looks both back and forward: back to a visit I made to the site in August 2011 and forward to the anticipated opening to visitors of excavated areas under the church, plus a museum area, in the fall of 2012. If you didn’t know there were ancient remains under the church, don’t feel bad: For many, many years they have been viewable only by special request.  At the same time, one might surmise that beneath any sizeable property within the Old City of Jerusalem might lie things of interest from antiquity, and the Redeemer Church is no exception.

My recent visit to the place was a public tour offered in conjunction with an August 18-19, 2011 seminar sponsored by the German Protestant Institute of Archaeology in Jerusalem (GPIA) along with the Austrian Hospice. The occasion was a focus on the German theologian and orientalist Gustaf Dalman (1855-1941): the 70th anniversary of his…

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In Rabbi Michae…

In Rabbi Michael Lerner’s article in the Tikkun magazine of winter 2014, in the article “What Terms for Middle East Peace Would Actually Work?” he gives 9 suggestions for creating 2 sovereign states. I was particularly struck by the fresh thought that a lasting peace will depend not only on these 9 suggestions in his proposal, but “also on a systemic transformation of consciousness that enables the majority of people on each side of this struggle to recognize the humanity of people on the other side, to energetically and persistently convey respect for those on the other side, and to communicate deep regret for past hurts imposed on them….It is this opening of the heart that is the indispensable condition for any agreement to last.”