Our March Newsletter

shamrockHere are the opening words from our Project Peace Newsletter for March.  Please click on the link at the end to see the full newsletter.

Many Moments of Learning
It’s not quite here, but perhaps March has never been anticipated so keenly during my lifetime. This frigid February has brought about new feelings for me. I know I’m not the only person in this corner. The work of Project Peace has gone on—no “frozen” muscles here! January had emphasis on Guantanamo, and February felt like a training month for me. The children’s nonviolence skills classes went on whenever there were classes at Tiffin Middle School and Calvert, and I continued to teach about 6 classes of yoga each week as a great way to promote health and inner peace. Hopefully these classes have helped.

In addition, however, I experienced a great conversation with Ken Butigan from the national office of Campaign Nonviolence whose optimism and creative mind excited me to keep dreaming up new ways to promote nonviolence skills through the students. The work of Project Peace is never completed. I know this in a more profound way these days.

Then there was the transformation training for 35 of us Sisters here at St. Francis. This training centered on working through conflicts without judgment. All of us are urged to speak to each person as though for the first time and to always go to that person wanting to be influenced .
Exercising these two skills alone will wipe away biases and prejudgments before the actual encounter and will give great honor to the other person in conversation—even to the “enemy.”
I left these days of training so very GRATEFUL.  –Sr. Paulette

Download Newsletter March 2015

Iraq War Veteran Paul Chappell to speak in Tiffin

Join us as we hear veteran Paul Chappell on the topic, Why Peace is Possible: Exploring the Anatomy of Violence and War.  Paul  has reflected on  his experience as an army captain in the Iraq War to develop ideas about waging peace in his work at the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.  He will speak at St. Francis Convent on Monday, Oct. 6, 7:00 pm.  He will also appear earlier in the day at Tiffin University Chisolm Hall at 11:00 am and the following day at Heidelberg University Campus Center at 7:00 pm.  All events are free and open to the public.  Learn more about Paul at www.paulkchappell.com.

Paul Chappell poster

Campaign Nonviolence youtube

Yeah!!!!!!  Watch this short clip from Campaign Nonviolence and connect with josiesetzler@gmail.com

or Paulette at pauletteosf@hotmail.com

You’ll love it.

Three actions in planning:

1.     At Tiffin Heritage Festival—2-booth-size Project Peace display, demonstration, involvement in front of the statues on the old Court Square

2.     A float in the Heritage Parade

3.     A Walk for Peace from Sept. 21 for 4 or 5 days

We need you to help us out on any of these actions…..419.447.0435 ext. 136

Paulette and Josie




Nonviolence Campaign

Over this past weekend March 8,9 Josie Setzler and I traveled to Chicago to take training to better promote Campaign Nonviolence.  This national effort is being made by Pace e Bene with promoters in 32 states at this point.  Josie and I along with another gentleman are the Ohio promoters.

Our effort will be to train people in every direction in Ohio into nonviolence on each level of our lives:  personal, communal, and national.  We hope to help build up a momentum which by September 21–International Day of Peace–will bring Actions across the United States to further peace in all our communities across the nation.

We really want you and your groups you are involved in to seriously think about hosting us in giving this same training so we can slowly but surely help transform our culture for the future of our children and all.
